unfolding-io / nebulix

Nebulix, a Fast & Green Theme Based on Astro + Static CMS + Snipcart

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False blocking validation when using local backend

jpollone opened this issue · comments

1. Steps to reproduce

  1. Start up local backend npm run cms-proxy-server
  2. Create a new project entry
  3. Complete the form with a few tags, title, seo, and image
  4. Publish and then verify the page appears in the Work/Project area
  5. Edit the page and add a add a project feature using the local backend
  6. Click Publish Now

2. Incorrect behavior
The validation message "missing required field" appears but there is no other indication of a field missing on the UI.

3. Work-around
Manually adding the project feature to the file works fine.:

  - name: Year
    value: "2023"

4. Additional
These false validations occurs with several areas and I can report each individually, if preferred.

5. Screenshot

Hi @jpollone
This was a StaticCMS bug: StaticJsCMS/static-cms#931

They just made a fix in v 3.3.7.
I have updated the admin.it should work now.

You can also just find the css and js file of Static CMS in de admin page and change it from 3.3.0 to 3.3.7

@preetamslot thanks for finding that. I had not used StaticCMS but it's a nice tool for me. I'm still learning what is available in Nebulix, Astro, and StaticCMS so I try to bounce between them to learn a bit more.

Astro is amazing, I also make website with other CMS like storyblok or directus + Astro, but I like the git based workflow more. Static CMS is a port of former netlifyCMS (now Decap CMS). I choose Static CMS because the move faster.

Nebulix is not perfect, have allot to do to make it better :), but i am glad people like it and use it!