undertheseanlp / underthesea

Underthesea - Vietnamese NLP Toolkit

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Rust bindings in Docker on M1

kakserpom opened this issue · comments

What a great project.
Can you please update Rust bindings?

There is no aarch64 image for build_rust

An attempt to build https://github.com/undertheseanlp/underthesea/blob/d8d215943d0b39d525802429a7624b87be128991/extensions/docker/build-image/Dockerfile:

 => ERROR [underthesea  6/27] RUN echo 'export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/conda.sh &&     wget --quiet https://repo.anaconda  27.5s
 > [underthesea  6/27] RUN echo 'export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/conda.sh &&     wget --quiet https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-4.5.11-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda.sh &&     /bin/bash ~/miniconda.sh -b -p /opt/conda &&     rm ~/miniconda.sh:
24.50 PREFIX=/opt/conda
24.90 installing: python-3.7.0-hc3d631a_0 ...
27.36 rosetta error: failed to open elf at /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
27.36  /root/miniconda.sh: line 355:    35 Trace/breakpoint trap   "$PREFIX/pkgs/python-3.7.0-hc3d631a_0/bin/python" -E -s "$PREFIX"/pkgs/.install.py $INST_OPT --root-prefix="$PREFIX" --link-dist="$1"
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c echo 'export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/conda.sh &&     wget --quiet https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-4.5.11-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/miniconda.sh &&     /bin/bash ~/miniconda.sh -b -p /opt/conda &&     rm ~/miniconda.sh" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

@kakserpom Yes, this image is only for building underthesea on Linux. For Mac ARM, we actually use self-hosted GitHub Actions (see https://github.com/undertheseanlp/underthesea/blob/main/.github/workflows/release-pypi-core.yml#L145)

It didn't work on Linux either.

FROM alpine:3.19
# Install required packages
RUN apk add --no-cache \
    python3 \
    python3-dev \
    py3-pip \
    curl \
    build-base \
    pkgconfig \
    openssl-dev \
    # libressl-dev \
    bash \
    rust \
    cargo \
    py3-scikit-learn && \
    pip3 install --break-system-packages maturin patchelf
# Install underthesea_core
RUN curl -O
&& \
    tar -xvf underthesea_core-1.0.4.tar.gz && \
    rm underthesea_core-1.0.4.tar.gz && \
    cd underthesea_core-1.0.4 && \
    maturin build && \
    pip3 install --break-system-packages target/wheels/*.whl
# Install underthesea_core
RUN pip install --break-system-packages underthesea

RUN pip install --break-system-packages

COPY server.py .
CMD [ "python3", "server.py"]

Here is a working Dockerfile.
It works on both Linux and Mac.