unclebob / more-speech

A Nostr browser in Clojure.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UI window is open but it's blank

honza opened this issue · comments

I cloned the repo, and ran

$ lein run

At fe4cde7, using Java 17.0.4

Here is the output:

main nil start
main loading-configuration
main setting-up-gui
make-main-window making-article-area
make-main-window making-relay-panel
make-main-window relay-panel-complete
make-main-window article-panel-complete
make-main-window messages-panel-complete
make-main-window showing-main-frame
make-main-window shown
setup-main-window creating-seesaw-handler
main main-window-setup-complete
main reading-in-last-n-days
read-in-last-n-days starting
read-in-last-n-days last-time "02/13/23 10:53:58"
main getting-events
open "wss://relay.damus.io"
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["CLOSE","more-speech-metadata"]
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["REQ","more-speech-metadata",{"kinds":[0],"since":1676224327}]
subscription-date 1676299938 "02/13/2023 10:52:18 AST"
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["CLOSE","more-speech"]
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["REQ","more-speech",{"since":1676299938,"until":1676310727}]
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["REQ","more-speech-all",{"since":1676310727}]
sending to: wss://relay.damus.io   ["EVENT",{"kind":0,"tags":[["nonce","11096","16"]],"content":"{\"name\":\"more-speech-60343\",\"about\":\"\",\"picture\":\"\"}","pubkey":"82043f8ab25f294ae977320fa9bfc9f2e26d71466233028d59ae55172c394e53","created_at":1676310728,"id":"00004d61197ea19af432ab7ebf2ff9758f96ad72caec0e16ffccdfd6da9cfdb6","sig":"d5d9071804d74911a893c38f265379dc0a1d47f69c4c3937d6819a06131c647c79d4c7899ad4940299de5b295f1161c83ffe8a1f8a3ab4e7e6e9d157a8da07a4"}]

The UI window is open but it's blank (no widgets, no text, nothing)

Hmmm. Looks like you got pretty far. Are there no tabs at the top? That's odd. Are you seeing any "NOTICE" messages come through? They look like this: NOTICE "wss://nostr.milou.lol" ["EOSE" "more-speech-all"]

What platform/os are you using?

Are there no tabs at the top?

No tabs.

Are you seeing any "NOTICE" messages come through?

I don't see any even after several minutes.

What platform/os are you using?

Linux, NixOS, sway (wayland)

Wayland is the only thing that I can think of that could be causing problems. I tried the usual tricks to get it to work. Seesaw has no mention of wayland in their docs so I assume it should just work.

Some NOTICES eventually showed up. The UI is still broken though.

The fact that you got notices means that the websockets are active and you are communicating with relays. What notices did you get?

Do all the tests pass when you type lein spec?

Try this:

lein uberjar
cd target
java -jar more-speech-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

This works for me.

The fact that you got notices means that the websockets are active and you are communicating with relays. What notices did you get?

NOTICE "wss://nostr-pub.wellorder.net" ["EOSE" "more-speech-all"]
NOTICE "wss://nostr-pub.wellorder.net" ["EOSE" "more-speech-metadata"]

Do all the tests pass when you type lein spec?

$ lein spec                                                                                                                                                                                              
......Migrating to level 2.
Migrating to level 3.
..A private and public key have been generated for you.
Your temporary user name is:  more-speech-16163
Please edit private/keys to change it.
{:name "more-speech-16163", :about "", :picture "", :public-key "36514a82b201e8e08301ddd517b420da84ab2f46fe4411f96131f75a6b4db125", :private-key "b1286505f2b9ae2f584de3a3b540058c308c60bc64d524611c6641ee447ba3be"}
........writing "0-01Jan70"
writing "1-02Jan70"
....adding 2 records from "tmp/profiles"
..adding 2 records from "tmp/contact-lists"
..loading 2 from "tmp/messages/2-2jan23"
loading 2 from "tmp/messages/1-1jan23"
Done loading event files.

....make-contact-from-tag exception ["garbage" nil nil] "bech32: no separator character (1)"
.......................................invalid-relay "someurl"
invalid-relay "anotherurl"
....adding-relay "wss://relay-url"


  websocket-relay can open and close
    ; be nice to relay.damus.io
    ; /home/honza/code/more-speech/spec/more_speech/websocket_relay_spec.clj:17

  websocket-relay can send and receive
    ; be nice to relay.damus.io
    ; /home/honza/code/more-speech/spec/more_speech/websocket_relay_spec.clj:25

Finished in 14.60062 seconds
257 examples, 0 failures, 2 pending

Try this:

This produces the same results.

I get a blank window if I don't set the environment variable, _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1

I get a blank window if I don't set the environment variable, _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1

Thanks, that does it