unFocus / Scripts-n-Styles

Allows WordPress admin users the ability to add custom CSS and JavaScript directly to individual Post, Pages or custom post types.

Home Page:http://www.unFocus.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is a Manual Update available?

BrontideRob opened this issue · comments

Do you provide a method for doing a manual update? I'm hitting a "Update Failed: Could not create directory." error that I know is due to security lock downs at my hosting site. I have the same issue with WordPress updates. They provide a manual update process that works well.
Fair winds

FTP is the manual way. Just unzip the archive from the WordPress repo: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/scripts-n-styles.3.5.1.zip
and upload it. (I don't know that there's any other manual way.)