umarbek98 / python-p3-dictionaries

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Learning Goals

  • Utilize Python's dict data type to accomplish several common programming tasks.
  • Execute and test Python code using the Python shell.

Key Vocab

  • Sequence: a data structure in which data is stored and accessed in a specific order.
  • Index: the location, represented by an integer, of an element in a sequence.
  • Iterable: able to be broken down into smaller parts of equal size that can be processed in turn. You can loop through any iterable object.
  • Slice: a group of neighboring elements in a sequence.
  • Mutable: an object that can be changed.
  • Immutable: an object that cannot be changed. (Many immutable objects appear mutable because programmers reuse their names for new objects.)
  • List: a mutable data type in Python that can store many types of data. The most common data structure in Python.
  • Tuple: an immutable data type in Python that can store many types of data.
  • Range: a data type in Python that stores integers in a fixed pattern.
  • String: an immutable data type in Python that stores unicode characters in a fixed pattern. Iterable and indexed, just like other sequences.


Mappings are the next data structure we're going to look into. A mapping object maps an immutable value to an arbitrary value. Where there are many types of sequences in Python, there is only one type of mapping: the dict, or dictionary.

In a Python dictionary, an immutable key is mapped to an arbitrary value. The result is a data type nearly identical to JSON:

my_dict = {
    "key 1": "value 1",
    2.0: "value 2",

Keys can be composed of any immutable data type. The immutable types that we have discussed so far are:

  • int
  • float
  • str
  • bool
  • tuple
  • range

While there are no explicit guidelines on which types of values to use for dict keys, it is best to use descriptive strings unless the task you are trying to accomplish requires you to use another data type.

When Are Dictionaries Used?

Dictionaries are best used when there is a fixed name or value that we want to associate with a piece of data. An excellent analogy for a Python dictionary is...a dictionary!

We've introduced some new vocabulary in this lesson, so let's organize it into a dictionary:

key_vocab = {
    "Mapping": "a data structure in which data is stored in random order \
        and accessed using immutable keys.",
    "Arbitrary": "describes data whose value is unimportant to the data type \
        or structure in which it is contained."

# "a data structure in which data is stored in random order and accessed using immutable keys."
# "describes data whose value is unimportant to the data type or structure in which it is contained."

Definitions are data that we need to access when we hear certain words. Using those words as keys makes it easy for us to access their definitions when we need to, without parsing through every other piece of data in the data structure. It is important that the keys themselves are of an immutable type (str) so definitions are always connected to the correct word.

Dictionaries can also be used to store many types of data that would describe the dictionary object itself. This is the use case most similar to JSON and allows for easy communication between Python and JavaScript. We'll look more into this in Phase 4.

software_engineer = {
    "languages": ["JavaScript", "Python"],
    "certifications": ["Flatiron School Certificate of Completion"],
    "experience": "3 months and counting!",

We can also use dictionaries as a replacement for switch/case statements, as we saw in the lesson on conditional statements. We call this approach dictionary mapping.

size_to_ounce_map = {
    "tall": 12,
    "grande": 16,
    "venti": 20,

Now if we wanted to train a machine to pour the correct amount of coffee for each cup size, we could wrap this dictionary in a function where we enter our cup size and receive a volume in return:

def pour_coffee(size):
    size_to_ounce_map = {
        "tall": 12,
        "grande": 16,
        "venti": 20,
    return size_to_ounce_map[size]

NOTE: If you choose to use dictionary mapping instead of an if/elif/else statement, make sure you're using it to write shorter, clearer code.

Dictionary Methods

The most important dictionary method is dict.get(). Open up the Python shell and enter our code from the pour_coffee() function above:

def pour_coffee(size):
    size_to_ounce_map = {
        "tall": 12,
        "grande": 16,
        "venti": 20,
    return size_to_ounce_map[size]

Now let's test some different values for size:

# 12
# 16
# 20
# KeyError: 'jumbo'

This error helps us, but it doesn't help our poor coffee machine pour coffee. dict.get() gives us some tools to avoid KeyErrors. Let's change our return statement to use dict.get():

def ...
    return size_to_ounce_map.get(size)

# None

We've managed to avoid a KeyError, but None might not be very helpful either. Let's make one last change:

def ...
    return size_to_ounce_map.get(size, "Please enter a valid cup size.")

# 'Please enter a valid cup size.'

dict.get() takes two arguments. The first is required- this is the key that you're searching for in your dictionary. The second optional argument is a default value for your search (if you don't enter a second argument, Python uses None as a default value). dict.get() is the best way to retrieve values from a Python dictionary if you need to avoid KeyError exceptions.

The next most commonly used dict method is dict.items(), which returns an object that can be treated as a list of tuples of key/value pairs.

That's a dense definition, so let's unpack it a bit:

my_dict = {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3,
    "d": 4,

[key for key in my_dict]
# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
[my_dict[key] for key in my_dict]
# [1, 2, 3, 4]

We can iterate through a dictionary similarly to how we would a sequence, using either a loop or a comprehension. When we iterate through a dictionary, though, we can only access elements using keys. The object returned by dict.items() makes keys and values accessible independently of one another:

my_dict = {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": 3,
    "d": 4,

[item for item in my_dict.items()]
# [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]
[key for key, value in my_dict.items()]
# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
[value for key, value in my_dict.items()]
# [1, 2, 3, 4]

dict objects are very useful when accessing one key/value pair at a time, but dict.items() is an important tool in writing elegant loops and list comprehensions.

There are many more dict methods, but these two are the most common that you will see in your software career. A full list of dict methods can be found in the Python dict documentation.


