ultrasonicsoft / ng-connection-service

Detects active internet connection in Angular application via DI ready Observable service.

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Piles of console error when http fails

TanayBhalani opened this issue · comments

The console.error can be replaced to throwError of rxjs or throw of javascript to prevent the piles of error in console when i do not want.
I faced issue of http error when network was down, and the console was constantly filled with errors, which i have no control on

if the methods throws error i can create a try catch block while subscribing the observable and decide what i want to do of error

tap(val => {
console.error('Http error:', val);
this.currentState.hasInternetAccess = false;

You can check my example to understand the scenario
Repro steps

  1. Click on Start Monitoring button
  2. Open console
  3. Disconnect your device from internet
  4. Observe the console

Note: I have kept try catch block around subscribeMonitor() Method in service check-connection.service.ts but its not able to catch because of console.error() implemented inside the method

okay, I will look into it

Hi @TanayBhalani, please check new version upgrade 9.0.3. Now throwing error when heartBeatUrl is not reachable. You can catch it and handle per your business logic.