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Downlod doubt

balajik2207 opened this issue ยท comments

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If I train the model can I dowload and use it.


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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello @balajik2207, thank you for raising an issue about Ultralytics HUB ๐Ÿš€! Please visit our HUB Docs to learn more:

  • Quickstart. Start training and deploying YOLO models with HUB in seconds.
  • Datasets: Preparing and Uploading. Learn how to prepare and upload your datasets to HUB in YOLO format.
  • Projects: Creating and Managing. Group your models into projects for improved organization.
  • Models: Training and Exporting. Train YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models on your custom datasets and export them to various formats for deployment.
  • Integrations. Explore different integration options for your trained models, such as TensorFlow, ONNX, OpenVINO, CoreML, and PaddlePaddle.
  • Ultralytics HUB App. Learn about the Ultralytics App for iOS and Android, which allows you to run models directly on your mobile device.
    • iOS. Learn about YOLO CoreML models accelerated on Apple's Neural Engine on iPhones and iPads.
    • Android. Explore TFLite acceleration on mobile devices.
  • Inference API. Understand how to use the Inference API for running your trained models in the cloud to generate predictions.

If this is a ๐Ÿ› Bug Report, please provide screenshots and steps to reproduce your problem to help us get started working on a fix.

If this is a โ“ Question, please provide as much information as possible, including dataset, model, environment details etc. so that we might provide the most helpful response.

We try to respond to all issues as promptly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

@balajik2207 Yes, when your model is trained you can download it in PyTorch format or export it to any of our supported formats and download it.

You can also download your model to your phone using our App and preview in real-time.