ultralytics / JSON2YOLO

Convert JSON annotations into YOLO format.

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sarasilva-digitalsense opened this issue · comments

Hello! I'm trying to change the general_json2yolo script for my case-use and I've run into a problem I haven't been able to solve so far. Basically, I don't really understand what the function merge_multi_segment does, or how the segment information should come for it to work. This is how the function is called:

s = merge_multi_segment(ann['segmentation'])

and ann['segmentation'] for me is a list such as:


Besides from changing that into integers, what should i take into account, and what are the segments that the merge_multi_segment refers to

Related issue.
ultralytics/yolov5#11476 (comment)

Using the JSON2YOLO script, you can merge multiple polygons in the COCO format into a polygon in the YOLOv5/v8 format.

The merge_multi_segment function in the JSON2YOLO script is designed to merge multiple polygons in the COCO format into a single polygon in the YOLOv5/v8 format. When calling the function, ensure that the input segmentation data is in the appropriate format, typically as a list of coordinates. Additionally, the function expects the input segments to form a continuous sequence representing the polygon vertices. Be sure to convert the input data into integer format as well.