ulfat191 / Implementaion-of-7-segment-display.-

The steps that we have are given below: 1. Assignment task to implement โ€œSAC-1027โ€ using Seven Segment Display. 2. The number of inputs = n and therefore, the number of outputs = 2 . ๐‘› = 23 = 8 3. Create a table with the inputs and outputs. 4. Draw the K-Map from the truth table and determine the groups. 5. Derive the equations from the created groups using: a) SOP and b) POS both. 6. From the simplified equation draw logic diagrams using: a)i) Basic gates(SOP), a)ii) Basic gates(POS) b)i) Universal NAND gates(SOP), b)ii) Universal NOR gates(POS) 7. Report. (Not instructed to be done yet). 8. Logisim simulation. (Not instructed to be done yet).

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