uicrooks / shopify-foundation-theme

Modern Shopify theme using Shopify Theme Lab, Liquid, Vue and Tailwind CSS 🎨

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Unable to get past my stores password protection screen (Shopify trial account)

sidm1983 opened this issue Β· comments


So I just installed the foundation theme using Theme Labs and when I do a yarn start as per the instructions, I get a localhost URL as well as a couple of public URLs to customise/preview the foundation theme. The customise/preview public URLs work well, however my localhost URL displays a password screen. When I enter the password that I have set in my Shopify preferences to hide my store, my localhost doesn't accept it and just redirects back to the password page. I believe this is a cookie issue as shopify is returning cookies for the live hostname of the store which then doesn't get set as my browser is currently on the<port> URL. I didn't have this issue before using the Foundation theme. Am I doing something wrong here? Apologies if this is not an issue related to the theme itself. I am extremely new to shopify and all this theme stuff. Would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction on how to solve this issue.

Thank you! πŸ™πŸ½

This is strange I don't have any issues logging in from the localhost URL.

Some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Have you created the store after June 29, 2021?
  2. When creating your store did you select the development store option
  3. Log out of the store and log in again using the your-store.myshopify.com/admin URL
  4. Log out of your store via the Shopify CLI shopify logout and then log in again shopify login --store your-store.myshopify.com
  5. Are you sure you are using the right password?


In the file shopify/sections/main-password.liquid
Changing the input name from "customer[password]" to "password" fixed the issue for me.
<input type="password" id="CustomerPassword" name="customer[password]" placeholder="{{ 'form.password' | t }}" class="w-full rounded-r-none" required >
<input type="password" id="CustomerPassword" name="password" placeholder="{{ 'form.password' | t }}" class="w-full rounded-r-none" required >

Yes, that's a bug. The solution from @boomcruiser should be correct. I was always getting the default Shopify password template and not the custom one from the theme.

@boomcruiser @sergejcodes that was it! I actually ended up deleting the theme I previously initialised and re-initialised a new one based on v4.1.1 that @sergejcodes released above and the issue is now gone. I am able to get into my test store locally. Thank you both so much for your assistance and the prompt response/fix. Much appreciated! πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ½