uhlik / bpy

blender python scripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can you

JosephT722 opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to map uv with nodes with PCV? Perhaps input the ply file to a node to change the RGB values and finally export to the PCV tool?


colorize points by uv texture? no, how would you get uv coordinates? only project points by their normals to mesh object and colorize them with uv texture on that mesh. in some next update i also plan similar filter for colors only, ie points not moving, only colors are generated.


do you have some specific type of colorizing in mind? maybe i can look at it if can be implemented. uv texture colors without uv coords can't be done though.


1.2.0 includes height shader.


custom colors are just two, not a full real color ramp