ufoscout / docker-compose-wait

A simple script to wait for other docker images to be started while using docker-compose (or Kubernetes or docker stack or whatever)

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Using docker-compose-wait without a Dockerfile?

jflambert opened this issue · comments

I have a simple use case where I just want to load postgresql (timescaledb) and then Hasura. Problem is that I initialize postgresql with lots of data, after which hasura can set up complex metadata/migrations. Each process can take up to a minute.

Then on top of that I have my application, which can be modified to use docker-compose-wait to wait on Hasura, yes. But first I want Hasura to wait on Postgres. Basically I want to use docker-compose-wait for "third-party images". Is this possible?

Take into example the following docker-compose.yaml file. I would like to tell graphql-engine to wait for port 5432 to be available (instead of depends_on), but I "can't" change timescaledb because it's not "mine". However I'm a bit of a novice, so I'm most likely missing a very obvious point here.

Please enlighten me! Great project!

version: '3.6'

    image: timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg12
    - "5432:5432"
    restart: always
    - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_DB: testdb
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgrespassword

    image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.0-beta.3.cli-migrations-v2
    - "8080:8080"
    - "postgres"
    restart: always
      - ./hasura/migrations:/hasura-migrations
      - ./hasura/metadata:/hasura-metadata
      HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:postgrespassword@postgres:5432/testdb
      HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLED_LOG_TYPES: startup, http-log, webhook-log, websocket-log, query-log


Hi @jflambert ,

you can find some info in the home page doc:

If you want to use the script directly in docker-compose.yml instead of the Dockerfile, please note that the command: configuration option is limited to a single command so you should wrap in a sh call. For example:

command: sh -c "/wait && /MySuperApp.sh"

This is discussed further here and here.

Anyway, the wait executable must be in the docker image so it would not work out of the box for the hasura/graphql-engine image.

What you can do is, instead, creating a new image from hasura/graphql-engine; for example, something like:

FROM hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.0-beta.3.cli-migrations-v2

## Add the wait script to the image
ADD https://github.com/ufoscout/docker-compose-wait/releases/download/2.7.3/wait /wait
RUN chmod +x /wait

CMD /wait && /start_of_the_hasura_image.sh