ufal / whisper_streaming

Whisper realtime streaming for long speech-to-text transcription and translation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG] AttributeError: 'MosesTokenizer' object has no attribute 'split'

AmgadHasan opened this issue · comments

Hello again.

I managed to run the server. However, I got this error when I was translating foreign audio into English:

  File "/home/eng_amghasan/whisper_streaming/whisper_online_server.py", line 215, in <module>
  File "/home/eng_amghasan/whisper_streaming/whisper_online_server.py", line 186, in process
    o = online.process_iter()
  File "/home/eng_amghasan/whisper_streaming/whisper_online.py", line 276, in process_iter
  File "/home/eng_amghasan/whisper_streaming/whisper_online.py", line 322, in chunk_completed_sentence
    sents = self.words_to_sentences(self.commited)
  File "/home/eng_amghasan/whisper_streaming/whisper_online.py", line 376, in words_to_sentences
    s = self.tokenizer.split(t)
AttributeError: 'MosesTokenizer' object has no attribute 'split'
whisper-server-INFO: killing process 138718


have you installed the intended version? pip install opus-fast-mosestokenizer


have you installed the intended version? pip install opus-fast-mosestokenizer

Yeah it works! Thanks
Maybe it's a good idea to create a requirements.txt file that contains librosa + the right version of moses tokenizer?
I'll open a pr.

has anyone able to install opus-fast-mosestokenizer on macOS?