ucub / k8s-wordpress

Deploy wordpress using kubernetes baremetal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wordpress Kubernetes

How to Deploy

1. Clone

Clone this repo.

2. Create password using base64 because using secret option on kubernetes

Create password Using

echo -n 'admin' | base64

3. Edit on secret.yaml

edit this field password:

4. Deploy secret

Deploy first the secret.yaml

kubectl create -f secret.yaml

check with kubectl get secret

5. Create persistent volume

This script to bind/mount $PATH of you use to datastore on host like /mnt/wordpress and /mnt/mysql

Deploy PV mysql first

kubectl create -f pv-mysql.yaml

and then deploy pv-wordpress.yaml

kubectl create -f pv-wordpress.yaml

to check deployment of persistent volume you can check using :

kubectl get pv

6. Deploy persistent volume claim to get the volume.

For mysql :

kubectl create -f pvc-mysql.yaml

for wordpress :

kubectl create -f pvc-wordpress.yaml

check using kubectl get pvc

7 After that deploy the mysql first

kubectl create -f mysql-deployment.yaml

8. Deploy wordpress

kubectl create -f wordpress-deployment.yaml

9. after the ceployment, check the deployment

kubectl get all -A

10. After that, deploy the service to expose a POD of wordpress

kubectl create -f wordpress-service.yaml

Check running condition of all using watch kubectl get all -A to check the error using :

  • PV kubectl describe pv
  • PVC kubectl describe pvc
  • POD kubectl get pods after that kubectl describe {name_pods}


Deploy wordpress using kubernetes baremetal