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3D Transform examples do not load

MrConorAE opened this issue · comments


The 3D transformation examples on the "Graphics Transformations" page do not load. As a result, you can't see/use/try the examples there.

This log output (from the browser console) may be relevant:

Uncaught TypeError: c.uniforms.tCube is undefined
    init scene-editor.js:97515
    [582]< scene-editor.js:97409
    o scene-editor.js:1
    r scene-editor.js:1
    <anonymous> scene-editor.js:1
    init scene-editor.js:97515
    [582]< scene-editor.js:97409
    o scene-editor.js:1
    r scene-editor.js:1
    <anonymous> scene-editor.js:1

To Reproduce

  1. Visit this page on the CS Field Guide
  2. Select any of the "3D Transforms" examples, which open in a new tab.

Expected Behavior

The linked examples load and the examples can be seen.

Actual Behavior

The examples do not load - it's only a blank page that can't be interacted with.


  • Firefox 102.0 (snap) / Ubuntu 22.04 - doesn't work
  • Chrome 102.0.5005 / Windows 10 - doesn't work


Change the space in the box to an x for those you have completed. You can also fill these out after creating the issue.

  • I have linked any relevant existing issues/suggestions in the description above (include #??? in your description to reference an issue, where ??? is the issue number). - No existing issues

If this is a code related issue, please include the following in your description:

  • Steps to reproduce the behavior
  • The platform(s)/software you are encountering the issue on
  • The behavior you expect to see, and the actual behavior

Thanks @MrConorAE, I should have time to look into this later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the detailed report.

Update: I've been working on this today and may take me some time since our previous three.js developer has moved on. Don't have an ETA on a fix sorry.

Have fixed this issue, will try to have it deployed to the production website by this afternoon.

Perfect, thank you so much!

The fix has been deployed to the website and is now avaiable at: https://www.csfieldguide.org.nz/en/chapters/computer-graphics/graphics-transformations/#3d-transforms

Let me know if you have any other issues.