ublue-os / bazzite

Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld.

Home Page:https://bazzite.gg

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update failed

zhouxingoddog312 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When I get the system update, it show this information

Pulling manifest: ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck-gnome:stable
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: Get "https://pkg-containers.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:e5509b23361e8eba66c3904ecff449b3232ce68faa567bbb5c74c678f09ae858?se=2024-05-07T14%3A45%3A00Z&sig=P%2BjwYvhgizHRU6BtwM6K6l9W%2By9xbDjJYGTLQtJJVEY%3D&sp=r&spr=https&sr=b&sv=2019-12-12": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
System update failed: 
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/rpm-ostree upgrade`
   1: `/usr/bin/rpm-ostree` failed: exit status: 1

截图 2024-05-07 22-37-11

What did you expect to happen?

I expect to update my system.

Output of rpm-ostree status

State: idle
● ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck-gnome:stable
                   Digest: sha256:e253c9f147f790383f1e1698a515d2a81ec9b76e71b20ddff371784dd74ed69d
                  Version: main (2024-04-26T01:21:41Z)
          LayeredPackages: aria2 clang cmake dialog gdb info lua nss-tools sunshine
                Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf"' 

                   Digest: sha256:e253c9f147f790383f1e1698a515d2a81ec9b76e71b20ddff371784dd74ed69d
                  Version: main (2024-04-26T01:21:41Z)
          LayeredPackages: aria2 clang cmake dialog gdb info lua sunshine
                Initramfs: '"-I /etc/crypttab /etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf"'


gpd win4

Extra information or context

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