ublue-os / bazzite

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openrgb requires use rules - not included

unicornsandcandies opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

OpenRGB needs udev rules that are impossible to add on silverblue based os using their script. I didn't found any way to add them. OpenRGB works only when ran with sudo su -c "flatpak run org.openRGB.openRGB".

What did you expect to happen?

I expected openrgb to work out of the box

Output of rpm-ostree status

No response


No response

Extra information or context

No response

These should be preinstalled, I believe the message about them is a false positive.

These should be preinstalled, I believe the message about them is a false positive.

Devices still can't be seen. Only when running as root

There is a separate issue about this on the flatpak version of OpenRGB. Not sure how much the Bazzite devs can do to fix this. Perhaps you can install it using rpm-ostree instead? https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/issues/3593

There is a separate issue about this on the flatpak version of OpenRGB. Not sure how much the Bazzite devs can do to fix this. Perhaps you can install it using rpm-ostree instead? https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/OpenRGB/-/issues/3593

I tried openrgb from rpm repo already and it's even worse. It doesn't see my device (being jsaux rgb dock) even when runninng it as root. On flatpak version the device is seen but only from root account. I'm pretty sure that openrgb has some big issues with running correctly on devices but none of this happens on a steam deck with steamos - I download openrgb from desktop flathub "shop", run it and my device is being seen. When something doesn't work I just use their udev script and everything goes suprisingly well.

While it might be an issue on the openrgb site, steamos is able to overcome it in some way. I can't say what's diffrent in steamos because I don't have acces to this os right now, but something seems to be done diffrently, to make devices visible.

I had to add acpi_enforce_resources=lax to my boot args since some motherboards have issues with i2c. Maybe SteamOS includes this argument by default?

To view your kernel args in Bazzite, run:

rpm-ostree kargs

If you don't see acpi_enforce_resources=lax, add it with this:

rpm-ostree kargs --append=acpi_enforce_resources=lax

I had to add acpi_enforce_resources=lax to my boot args since some motherboards have issues with i2c. Maybe SteamOS includes this argument by default?

To view your kernel args in Bazzite, run:

rpm-ostree kargs

If you don't see acpi_enforce_resources=lax, add it with this:

rpm-ostree kargs --append=acpi_enforce_resources=lax

Unfortunately it didn't help. My device is still only seen only when running flatpak openrgb version and only with root