uber-archive / vis-academy

A set of tutorials on how our frameworks make effective data visualization applications.

Home Page:http://vis.academy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Section 3 and 4 of the "Building a Graph Vis" are not loading

NameFILIP opened this issue · comments

This looks to be caused by some changes in the deck API - for example, OrthographicViewport is now OrthographicView with some other changes: http://deck.gl/#/documentation/deckgl-api-reference/views/orthographic-view

Changing that allows the page to load, but the examples don't load properly (you see this weird graph thing flying around for a moment), and it then results in even more errors surfacing:

edit my fork, which kind of has fixes for both of the above: master...bobheadxi:master

@jckr @balthazar is this project still maintained, and are there plans to update the examples? thanks!