ua-parser / uap-scala

Scala port of ua-parser

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Change yaml parser to org.snakeyaml:snakeyaml-engine

NAJ10 opened this issue · comments


The existing snakeyaml library is listed as vulnerable to security vulnerabilities because it allows create of arbitrary java objects which could lead to remote code execution. org.snakeyaml:snakeyaml-engine seems to be a follow on from the existing snakeyaml library from the same developers but is able to parse YAML 1.2. Please could you consider using snakeyaml-engine to help developers working in organisations where automated security scanning for vulnerable dependencies causes friction between in house security teams and ordinary developers who happen to pull in uap-scala as a dependency.


Since raising the issue there has been a 2.0 release of the snakeyaml library that also apparently fixes the issue. See

The snakeyaml has been upgraded to 2.0 in uap-scala 0.15.0 version