ua-parser / uap-scala

Scala port of ua-parser

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Use same version of uap-core for Python and Scala versions of UA parser

ptkool opened this issue · comments

The Python and Scala versions of the parser are using different commits of uap-core. Can we synch them up to reference the same commit? @mattrobenolt

I periodically keep uap-python up to date. I don't keep them religiously in sync though. Not sure what you're asking me here. :)


We are currently using both uap-python and uap-scala and require that they both reference the same uap-core SHA.


uap-scala (earlier version of uap-core)

Would it be possible to update uap-scala?

I've updated to the latest uap-core in this commit.

@humanzz Can you up update uap-core for uap-python to the same commit?

I'm afraid I only have permissions to uap-scala and not uap-python. One of its maintainers have to do that.

I'm not gonna lie, assuming that all libraries always use the same sha of uap-core is not really going to be feasible.

Fortunately though, there's nothing requiring this to happen in at least uap-python. You can supply your own list. Just set the UA_PARSER_YAML environment variable: and you're free to maintain your own explicit sha of uap-core independent of releases.