Solutions for textbook exercises, notes, and code some of which are from weekly TA sessions for first year Ph.D. econometrics at the University of Texas at Austin. The exercises solved and corresponding textbooks are listed by week.
The data
folder contains miscellaneous data sets from various econometrics textbooks.
data on Card 1995's paper using geographic variation as an instrument for college attendance.cps09mar.dta
From the March 2009 CPS survey. Individuals with non-allocated variables who were full- time employed.murder_oldstata.dta
This is data on the murder rate which correpsonds to Wooldridge Problem 10.10Nerlove1963.dta
data from Nerlove's analysis of production functions and returns to scale.wagepan.dta
data from Vella and Verbeek 1998 on wages.MROZ.DTA
data on wages and marriage from Mroz 1987.bwght.dta
data on birth weight and cigarettes.public.dat
is data from Card and Krueger 1994. There is detailed documentation for this data here.
Notes on the within transformation in Python to estimate fixed effects regression. Code included to perform the transformation. For a more complete fixed effects package see this repo.pre-trends.ipynb
Notes on pre-trend plots in Python for differences and differences with average treatment effect on the treated interpretation of differences in differences (Work in progress).
Textbook: Introduction to Econometrics by Bruce Hansen
Week 1: Exercises 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 1.17, 1.22
Week 2: Exercises 1.5, 1.12, 1.14, 1.19, 1.21, 2.1, 2.8, 2.13, 3.1
Week 3: Exercises 2.2, 2.6, 2.11, 2.14, 3.2,3.3
Week 4: Exercises 3.6, 3.11, 4.1, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.14, 4.15
Textbook: Econometrics by Bruce Hansen
Week 6: Exercises 2.4, 2.5, 2.14, 3.10, 3.22
Week 7: Exercises 2.16, 2.21, 3.4, 3.11, 3.19, 3.23
Week 8: Exercises 4.1, 4.7, 4.23, 7.9, 7.14
Week 9: Exercises 4.7, 4.20, 7.11, 7.20, 7.28
Week 10: Exercises 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4
Week 11: Exercises 8.19, 8.22, 9.7, 9.8, 9.17, 9.20, 12.3, 12.8
Week 12: Exercises 12.7, 13.13