tzutalin / dlib-android

:dragon: Port dlib to Android

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Don't build JNI

estebandiazm opened this issue · comments

I try to run ndk-build -j 2 but i have the next error

jni/jni_common/ jni/jni_common "Won't build test's executable file" Android NDK: WARNING:jni/jni_common/ LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries make: *** No rule to make target /Users/juandiaz/Documents/projects/dlib-android/third_party/miniglog/glog/', needed by obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/miniglog/glog/logging.o'. Stop. make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


You need follow the README and run the ./envsetup first.