tzutalin / dlib-android

:dragon: Port dlib to Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My own implementation for dlib face detection runs 1.5s on Snapdragon 835, much slower than this repository's implementation, which is 70ms.

Steven9402 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the excellent work:)
I need to implement face verification in my android project and dlib is an appropriate tool for me. I tied to implement the dlib feature extraction Using JNI, it runs 10s Snapdragon 835. I also implements dlib face detection on my own, and it runs 1.5s on Snapdragon 835. But your implementation runs 70ms on Snapdragon 835. I do not know where I did something wrong. Do you add some special code for dlib-android or is there something that must be noticed in JNI translation?

Try compiling dlib in release mode.

@Steven9402 ,
@worldlife123 got the point. Try to compile in release mode or change your compile option to O2, O3, and so on.

Thanks a lot !

@Steven9402 ,
@worldlife123 got the point. Try to compile in release mode or change your compile option to O2, O3, and so on.

i use ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=0 -o3,that`s right?