tzutalin / dlib-android

:dragon: Port dlib to Android

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Android : rescaling of image before detection

ashokbugude opened this issue · comments

I have tested a set of sample images for face detection using

  1. Python -
  2. C++ - face_detector_ex.cpp
  3. Android Face Detection

I have found that small faces are getting detected in

  1. Python -
  2. C++ - face_detector_cpp.cpp

But not detected in Android Face Detection.

I have found that image is rescaled to bigger size using the following methods so that small faces are detected

  1. Python - [ detector(img,1)]
  2. C++ - face_detector_cpp.cpp [ pyramid_up(img) ]

Can I please know if the image is also rescaled in android (in jniDetect) function.
If so , can I please know the location of the code
If not, can I please know which location do I need to scale the image