tzapu / WiFiManager

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal

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question where are credintials stored

ear9mrn opened this issue · comments

Can anyone tell me where/how the credentials (ssid, password) are stored for esp32?

A little googling suggests this is done by wifi library but it is not clear. I could not find anything in this code to suggest where they come from once stored.

I tried the following (using preferences library) but came up blank. Either this is not the correct method of the variable names are not correct. Any guidance would be helpful as I would like to use the same or similar method for some other parameters for a project.

Preferences preferences;

String ssid;
String password;

void setup {

preferences.begin("credentials", false);

ssid = preferences.getString("ssid", "");
password = preferences.getString("password", "");





They are stored in NVS by ESP32, you can read them using the WM funcs

    // check if the module has a saved ap to connect to
    bool          getWiFiIsSaved();

    // helper to get saved password, if persistent get stored, else get current if connected    
    String        getWiFiPass(bool persistent = true);

    // helper to get saved ssid, if persistent get stored, else get current if connected
    String        getWiFiSSID(bool persistent = true);

But they are only available when wifi is init on the esp32, so you have to start wifi first.
set .mode(STA) etc.

I have open issues researching how to get them without turning wifi on.