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Changing function name color for javascript

bubuzzz opened this issue · comments

Currently, the function name in Python look really nice with the color

screen shot 2016-11-15 at 11 07 15 pm

However, in Javascript, the color for function name does not work.

screen shot 2016-11-15 at 11 08 21 pm

Is there any chance to update the javascript color scheme ?

Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to highlight function names with the javascript syntax included with Vim. Its awfully barebones, and doesn't support many of the newer javascript features.

The best thing I can recommend is using a plugin which provides better javascript colors, and ES6 support, the popular ones being https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript, or https://github.com/othree/yajs.vim.

I've been wanting to provide better support for those plugins, so I will keep this open until I do so!

Thank for your reply. Last time I tried the Plugin 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax'. It was not bad, but sometime the color does not appear correctly. I will try the other ones as well

EDIT: I just used vim-javascript and it is great. Thank you very much for the suggestion