typst / packages

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How to: reference with @

xy9485 opened this issue · comments


I find it's a pleasing experience to write pseudo code with this package.
However, I find myself stuck with how to reference an algorithm using "@".I tried below to label my algorithm but it doesn't work with error: cannot reference sequence. I label my algorithm with @algo1as below:

  title: [                    // note that title and parameters
    #set text(size: 15pt)     // can be content
    #emph(smallcaps("Curiosity driven exploration for molecule generation"))
  parameters: ([#math.italic("n")],),
  comment-prefix: [#sym.triangle.stroked.r ],
  comment-styles: (fill: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)),
  indent-size: 15pt,
  indent-guides: 1pt + gray,
  row-gutter: 5pt,
  column-gutter: 5pt,
  inset: 5pt,
  stroke: 2pt + black,
  fill: none,
"content of algorithm"
] <algo1>

I'm a beginner of typst, this is what I learned to achieve reference. I'm not sure if it also works with returns of #algo. Otherwise is there any other workaround to refer an algorithm as we do in Latex? I just need at least a basic way to refer my own algorithms.

Please open your issue on the algo repository: https://github.com/platformer/typst-algorithms


Just realized, sorry and thanks for the reference link.