typings / registry

The registry of type definitions for TypeScript

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blakeembrey opened this issue Β· comments

If you're interested in helping out to merge type definitions, please let me know πŸ˜„ I'd love to add some collaborators to the registry to merge definitions and offer helpful advice.

@blakeembrey - very happy to help. I've been focussed on other things the last couple of months, but will be focussing on our use of typings again in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks πŸ‘ I've given you access to the registry. The only thing to keep in mind is that the PRs should pass and I've been doing a little reviewing on PRs in case people have been misunderstanding pieces. The test suite is quite simple, just checks the new files added in git are valid and that the versions install with typings correctly. There's an indexer every 10 minutes adding them to the public API.

Sure, why not :)

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 9:20 PM, Paul Jolly notifications@github.com

@blakeembrey https://github.com/blakeembrey - very happy to help. I've
been focussed on other things the last couple of months, but will be
focussing on our use of typings again in the next couple of weeks.

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#70 (comment).

Awesome, cheers πŸ‘ Added.

Yes, I would love to. I'm going to create a yo generator for bootstrap typings projects. WIll be ready in a few hours.

@unional Good idea. I was going to make a "project" command with the same idea, but yo would work. Ref: typings/typings#118


I'm not available right now, gotta sharpen my skills, but I'd like to help in the future. I wanted to show my support even though I'm unable to help right now.

Sure πŸ‘

I'll be glad to help too, wanna see the angular definitions happening.

@dvidsilva Angular 1 or 2?

angular 1, 1.5 mostly. I'm using the --ambient flag for now.

I'll be glad to help!

How would you guys like to help most? Writing definitions can be done independently, but we can move the repo into @typed-typings when you're ready πŸ˜„

Edit: Aside from that, Typings contributions are highly desirable!

I would help merging definitions and take on requests to fulfill them, plus being available to any other collaboration to the project which I really believe in!

I like this guy πŸ˜€πŸ‘

πŸ‘ πŸ‘

I would like to help out. Already did a lot of work for typed-sequelize, wrote typed-bignumber.js and currently finishing typed-express

@felixfbecker Awesome! I've invited you to the registry, and @types. Feel free to move some repositories into @types, I would be happy to help out with Express.

I see there are many open issues, let me help out as well πŸ˜„

@beenotung The best help would be getting some of the issues closed, I think most issues in the registry are just requests. However, anyone that wants to move repos into @types is welcome to as well, we just need to make sure there's someone going to maintain the repo πŸ˜„