typewriter-editor / typewriter

A rich text editor based off of Quill.js and Ultradom, and using Svelte for UI.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Client project Webpack imports failing on 0.6.45 – hash 777a47d

taylorhadden opened this issue · comments

After updating my local repo of typewriter-editor to 777a47d, my project using Typewriter is failing to build.

I'm getting dozens (hundreds? It overflows my console) of messages that look like this:

ModuleDependencyWarning: export 'Delta' (imported as 'Delta') was not found in 'typewriter-editor' (possible exports: diff)

The built files for typewriter in my local repository look correct for an ES Module.

import cloneDeep from './util/cloneDeep';
import intersect from './util/intersect';
import isEqual from './util/isEqual';
import diff from 'fast-diff';
import EventDispatcher from './util/EventDispatcher';
export { cloneDeep, intersect, isEqual, diff, EventDispatcher };
import AttributeMap from './delta/AttributeMap';
import Delta from './delta/Delta';
import Op, { OpIterator } from './delta/Op';
export { AttributeMap, Delta, Op, OpIterator };
export * from './doc/EditorRange';
export * from './doc/deltaToText';
import Line, { LineIterator } from './doc/Line';
import LineOp, { LineOpIterator } from './doc/LineOp';
import TextChange from './doc/TextChange';
import TextDocument from './doc/TextDocument';
export { Line, LineIterator, LineOp, LineOpIterator, TextChange as TextChange, TextDocument as TextDocument };
export * from './rendering/vdom';
export * from './typesetting/typeset';
export * from './rendering/position';
export * from './rendering/selection';
export * from './rendering/rendering';
export * from './rendering/html';
export * from './modules';
export * from './stores';
export * from './typesetting/defaults';
export * from './Source';
export * from './Editor';
import Editor from './Editor';
export { Editor };
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map

Am I just being a dummy and not configuring my project's Webpack to correctly load typewriter now that it's distributed as an ES2015 package?

I has some issues with latest Webpack as well and finally got them resolved using:

    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: 'source-map-loader',
        resolve: { fullySpecified: false }
        test: /\.ts$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'ts-loader',
          options: { onlyCompileBundledFiles: true }

I didn't understand how it helped, but fullySpecified and onlyCompileBundledFiles seemed to be important.

Does this help?

I'm really unhappy with the current state of bundlers. It seems there are issues with anything you use. I favored webpack over rollup because it worked with pretty much all modules and handles recursive imports, where rollup seemed to give me strife with every single project I tried to use it on. Now webpack does the same.

Thanks for the update; sorry for the long delay. I will check up on this soon.

"Soon" turned out to be relative; however, you're post was helpful.

I ended up using:

    test: /\.js$/,
    resolve: { fullySpecified: false }

And this solved my "path must be fully specified" problems.

I also very much agree regarding bundlers. I spent the last two days trying to get a Vite build working on Tangent, but esbuild seems to be choking on export * from '@typewriter/delta' and similar.

Seems like there is an open issue in esbuild for this... evanw/esbuild#1737