typescript-language-server / typescript-language-server

TypeScript & JavaScript Language Server

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Add Semantic Tokens for Template Literal Strings

benrbray opened this issue · comments


In VS Code, semantic token theme colors override textmate token colors (even when they are user defined). This usually makes sense, as the semantic tokens are intended to provide more specific information about tokens than what is available from syntax alone.

However, based on the output of VS Code's Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes command, it appears that typescript-language-server labels all template strings with the generic string scope. As a result, template strings will not receive syntax highlighting when semantic tokens are enabled.

As you can see from the image below, the textmate grammar knows that animal is a variable inside of a template string, but the semantic token string is taking precedence.


In VSCode you are not using this server but VSCode's built-in code (which this server is based on). So you should report your issue in VSCode repo and if it's deemed a bug, the fix might potentially trickle down to this server.