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Enhancement: [ban-types] Split into default-less no-restricted-types and more targeted type ban rule(s)

JoshuaKGoldberg opened this issue · comments


Splitting out of #8700: ban-types has long been a kind of mirror to the core ESLint rule no-restricted-syntax. But, ban-types also comes with some default settings. That means the rule really has two areas of responsibility:

  • Banning confusing built-in types
  • Giving users the ability to ban types of their choosing

That dual-responsibility has led to the rule being more convoluted to configure than average. It's the only rule of ours right now that has to include an extendDefaults option.

* Rules that do funky things with their defaults and require special code
* rather than just JSON.stringify-ing their defaults blob
['ban-types', '[{ /* See below for default options */ }]'],

Once #8977 is in, the defaults for ban-types will exclusively target the uppercase aliases of primitive types (Boolean, Number, ...) and the general Function and Object types. I think the v8 breaking changes are a good opportunity to further simplify the rule. Proposal: let's...

  • Remove the remaining default options for ban-types, rename it to no-restricted-types (to mirror no-restricted-syntax), and remove it from recommended
  • Add 1-3 new rule(s) in recommended that ban those previous default types
    • Starting proposal: a single no-uppercase-alias-types rule?

This would be a breaking change in that it would change the defaults for ban-types. Note that the stuff linted against by default in ban-types would still be linted against - just by different rule(s).