typescript-cheatsheets / react

Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript

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Update CSS So that website can be accessible from any device of any width -- Solved

BhavyaMPatel opened this issue · comments

Screenshot 2023-10-01 121717

Screenshot 2023-10-01 123656
Thank You

I can resolve this issue if you can assign to me

I can resolve this issue if you can assign to me

Pull request for the same is already open thank u 👍

Can I solve this issue ?

@BhavyaMPatel Can I resolve this issue

@hardiksinghh18 github has new feature to work with project from ur web browser


you can click on + icon to work on project github will automatically setup project and u can access it from your web browser

Is this issue still open, so that I can work on this.

is the issue solved? If not can I resolve this issue?

@BhavyaMPatel Can I work on This issue or this issue is already solved?