typescript-cheatsheets / react

Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript

Home Page:https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app

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[Basic] Duplicated sections

HelpMe-Pls opened this issue · comments

First of all, I very much appreciate this wonderful cheatsheet that you've put together.
It has been a very throughout and informative documentation for the community.
However, if I may suggest an improvement to make it just a little more succinct, I can see that there are some kind of overlap between these duplicated sections:

  1. Time to Really Learn TypeScript and another Time to Really Learn TypeScript
  2. Other React + TypeScript resources and the following Other React + TypeScript resources

It'd be such a delight to see those duplicated sections get merged and presented in a more comprehensive version of them. Thanks in advance.

agreed.. need some help to clean those up if you would like