TylorS / typed-history

Functional History API for the browser and node.

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@typed/history -- 2.0.0

Functional History API for the browser and node

Get it

yarn add @typed/history
# or
npm install --save @typed/history

API Documentation

All functions are curried!


Implementations of Location and History.

export type Env = Readonly<{ location: Location; history: History }>


A type-alias to represent strings that are HREFs.

export type Href = string


ParsedHref JSON data structure

export type ParsedHref = {
  readonly href: string
  readonly protocol: string
  readonly host: string
  readonly userInfo: string
  readonly username: string
  readonly password: string
  readonly hostname: string
  readonly port: string
  readonly relative: string
  readonly pathname: string
  readonly directory: string
  readonly file: string
  readonly search: string
  readonly hash: string


An implementation of the History interface.

See the code
export class ServerHistory implements History {
  // Does not affect behavior
  public scrollRestoration: ScrollRestoration = 'auto'

  // ServerHistory specific
  private _states: Array<{ state: any; url: string }>
  private _index: number = 0
  private location: Location

  constructor(location: Location) {
    this.location = location
    this._states = [{ state: null, url: this.location.pathname }]

  private set index(value: number) {
    this._index = value

    const { url } = this._states[this._index]


  private get index(): number {
    return this._index

  get length(): number {
    return this._states.length

  get state(): any {
    const { state } = this._states[this.index]

    return state

  public go(quanity: number = 0): void {
    if (quanity === 0) return void 0

    const minIndex = 0
    const maxIndex = this.length - 1

    this.index = Math.max(minIndex, Math.min(maxIndex, this.index + quanity))

  public back(): void {

  public forward(): void {

  public pushState(state: any, _: string | null, url: string) {
    this._states = this._states.slice(0, this.index).concat({ state, url })
    this.index = this._states.length - 1

  public replaceState(state: any, _: string | null, url: string) {
    this._states[this.index] = { state, url }


An in-memory implementation of Location.

See the code
export class ServerLocation implements Location {
  private history: History
  public href: string

  constructor(href: string) {

  get hash(): string {
    return parseValue('hash', this)

  set hash(value: string) {
    const hash = value.startsWith('#') ? value : '#' + value

    replace('hash', hash, this)

  get host(): string {
    return parseValue('host', this)

  set host(value: string) {
    replace('host', value, this)

  get hostname(): string {
    return parseValue('hostname', this)

  set hostname(value: string) {
    replace('hostname', value, this)

  get pathname(): string {
    return parseValue('pathname', this)

  set pathname(value: string) {
    replace('pathname', value, this)

  get port(): string {
    const { href } = this
    const { port, protocol } = parseHref(href)

    if (port) return port


  set port(value: string) {
    replace('port', value, this)

  get protocol(): string {
    return parseValue('protocol', this) || 'http:'

  set protocol(value: string) {
    replace('protocol', value, this)

  get search(): string {
    return parseValue('search', this)

  set search(value: string) {
    const search = value.startsWith('?') ? value : '?' + value

    replace('search', search, this)

  get origin(): string {
    return this.protocol + '//' + this.host

  public assign(url: string): void {

    if (this.history) this.history.pushState(null, null, this.href)

  // Does not have defined behavior outside of browser
  public reload(): void {}

  public replace(url: string): void {
    let { href, host, relative } = parseHref(url)

    if (this.host && !host) href = this.host + href

    const { protocol } = parseHref(href)

    if (href !== relative && this.protocol && !protocol)
      href = this.protocol + '//' + href

    this.href = href

  public toString(): string {
    return this.href

  // ServerLocation Specific
  public setHistory(history: History) {
    this.history = history

    return this

function replace(
  key: keyof ParsedHref,
  value: string,
  location: ServerLocation
) {
  const { href } = location

  const currentValue = parseHref(href)[key]

  const updateHref = href.replace(currentValue, value)


function parseValue(key: keyof ParsedHref, location: ServerLocation): string {
  return parseHref(location.href)[key] as string

assign(url: string, location: Location): void

Loads the resource at the URL provided in parameter.

See the code
export const assign: Assign = invoker<Location, string, void>(1, 'assign')

back(history: History): void

Goes back to the previous location

See the code
export const back = invoker<History, void>(0, 'back')

createEnv(href: string = '/'): Env

Given an href returns a collection of History and Location implementations. The given href is only used if it has been detected your are not in a browser environment. If it's detected you are in a browser references to window.history and window.location are simply returned.

See an example
import { createEnv, href, pushHref } from '@typed/history'

const { history, location } = createEnv('https://my.example.com/')

console.log(href(location)) // logs => https://my.example.com/

pushHref('https://my.example.com/other', history)

console.log(href(location)) // logs => https://my.example.com/other
See the code
export function createEnv(href: Href = '/'): Env {
  if (typeof location !== 'undefined' && typeof history !== 'undefined')
    return { location, history }

  const serverLocation = new ServerLocation(href)
  const serverHistory = new ServerHistory(serverLocation)

  return {
    location: serverLocation,
    history: serverHistory,

forward(history: History): void

Goes to the next location

See the code
export const forward = invoker<History, void>(0, 'forward')

go(quantity: number, history: History): void

Goes forward or back a specificed number of locations.

See the code
export const go: Go = invoker<History, number, void>(1, 'go')

hash(location: Location): string

Returns location.has

See the code
export const hash = prop<Location, 'hash'>('hash')

host(location: Location): string

Returns location.host

See the code
export const host = prop<Location, 'host'>('host')

hostname(location: Location): string

Returns location.hostname

See the code
export const hostname = prop<Location, 'hostname'>('hostname')

href(location: Location): string

Returns location.href

See the code
export const href = prop<Location, 'href'>('href')

origin(location: Location): string

Returns location.origin

See the code
export const origin = prop<Location, 'origin'>('origin')

parseHref(href: string): ParsedHref

Parses an href into JSON.

See the code
export function parseHref(href: string): ParsedHref {
  const matches = HREF_REGEX.exec(href)

  const parsedHref = {} as Record<keyof ParsedHref, string>

  for (let i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i) {
    const key = keys[i]
    let value = matches[i] || ''

    if (key === 'search' && value) value = '?' + value
    if (key === 'protocol' && value && !value.endsWith(':')) value = value + ':'

    if (key === 'hash') value = '#' + value

    parsedHref[key] = value

  return parsedHref

const keys: ReadonlyArray<keyof ParsedHref> = [

const keyCount = keys.length

parseQueries<Queries extends Record<string, string>>(location: Location): Queries

Parses a Location's query string into an object of key/value pairs.

See an example
import { createEnv, pushUrl, parseQueries } from '@typed/history'

const { history, location } = createEnv()

console.log(parseQueries(location)) // logs => {}

pushUrl('/?q=hello&lang=en', history)

console.log(parseQueries(location)) // logs => { q: 'hello', lang: 'en' }
See the code
export function parseQueries<Queries extends Record<string, string> = {}>(
  location: Location
): Readonly<Queries> {
  const { search } = location
  const queries = {} as Queries

  if (!search) return queries

    .replace(QUERYSTRING_REGEX, (_: string, name: string, value: string) => {
      if (name) queries[name] = value

      return value

  return queries

pathname(location: Location): string

Returns location.pathname

See the code
export const pathname = prop<Location, 'pathname'>('pathname')

port(location: Location): string

Returns location.port

See the code
export const port = prop<Location, 'port'>('port')

protocol(location: Location): string

Returns location.protocol

See the code
export const protocol = prop<Location, 'protocol'>('protocol')

pushHref(href: Href, history: History): void

Pushes an HREF to the History statck

See the code
export const pushHref: StateArity2 = pushState({}, '')

pushState(state: any, title: string, href: string, history: History): void

Pushes a new location into the History stack

See the code
export const pushState: StateArity4 = invoker<History, any, string, Href, void>(

reload(location: Location): void

Reloads the current resource. This has no behavior if it is detected you are not inside the browser.

See the code
export const reload = invoker<Location, void>(0, 'reload')

replace(url: string, location: Location): void

Replaces the current resource with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session History, meaning the user won't be able to use the back button to navigate to it.

See the code
export const replace: Replace = invoker<Location, string, void>(1, 'replace')

// Interfaces
export type Assign = {
  (url: string, location: Location): void
  (url: string): (location: Location) => void

export type Replace = {
  (url: string, location: Location): void
  (url: string): (location: Location) => void

replaceState(state: any, title: string, href: Href, history: History): void

Replaces the current location into the History stack

See the code
export const replaceState: StateArity4 = invoker<
>(3, 'replaceState')

search(location: Location): string

Returns location.search

See the code
export const search = prop<Location, 'search'>('search')

state(location: History): any

Returns History.state

See the code
export const state: <A extends Record<string, any> = {}>(
  history: History
) => Readonly<A> = prop<History, 'state'>('state')

// Interfaces
export type Go = {
  (quantity: number, history: History): void
  (quantity: number): (history: History) => void

export type StateArity4 = {
  (state: any, title: string | null, href: Href, history: History): void
  (state: any, title: string | null, href: Href): StateArity1
  (state: any, title: string | null): StateArity2
  (state: any): StateArity3

export type StateArity3 = {
  (title: string | null, href: Href, history: History): void
  (title: string | null, href: Href): StateArity1
  (title: string | null): StateArity2

export type StateArity2 = {
  (href: Href, history: History): void
  (href: Href): StateArity1

export type StateArity1 = {
  (history: History): void


Functional History API for the browser and node.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 79.9%Language:JavaScript 20.1%