tylertreat / comcast

Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.

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sudo tc qdisc show | grep "netem" It looks like the packet rules are already setup

JasonRWilson00 opened this issue · comments

I am actually having several issues. I am currently running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS for context.

  1. The go install github.com/tylertreat/comcast@latest installation command isn't working for me; I needed to git pull the comcast repository, and then go build comcast.go and go install in order for the comcast command to work in my terminal. I am having to build and install each time I restart my terminal.
  2. I simply can't get the comcast command to work properly; for example running comcast --device=<device name> --latency=2000 prints sudo tc qdisc show | grep "netem" It looks like the packet rules are already setup
    and then comcast --stop prints Failed to stop packet controls.

Any advice on fixing either of these things or getting comcast working would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same error. When running the stop it says that it fails.
How can i check by hand if something still configured.

I've faced the same issue, and I've fixed it. The fix is:

  • make sure the tc tool was installed on the setup (to install it run this command: sudo yum install -y iproute-tc)
  • make sure the NetEm was installed on the setup (to install it run this commmand: yum -y install kernel-modules-extra)