tylertreat / comcast

Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unclear about units of packet-loss

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The README file indicates that --packet-loss=0.1 corresponds to 10% packet loss, but then further down lists profiles that would seem to include 150% or 200% packet loss. The code seems to indicate that 0.1 would actually mean 0.1%, not 10%.

It looks like there's actually a bug with the ipfw backend. The packet loss value should be multiplied by 100 like it is in tc so that 0.1 would correspond to 10%.

Actually, I take that back. I think the code is correct.

ipfw plr 0.1 => drop 10% of packets

The profiles don't correspond correctly though.

since this is a simplification wrapper, would it not be better to change the command line flag to be a bit easier to understand, and just math the output to the wrapped system (tc or ipfw) to be the proper value?

like say --packet-loss=10% would get translated to 0.1 for ipfw

Would that not make it a bit easier to grasp? Should be pretty easy to modify while I'm overhauling the wrappers.

I think that would be the best option, personally. That way, regardless of backend, the user can be explicit about their desired settings.

Yeah, I agree.
