tylersticka / wp-to-wintersmith

Convert a Wordpress dump to Wintersmith content

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wp to Wintersmith

This repo will take a Wordpress export and convert it into contents compatible with a Wintersmith blog.


  • Export all your content from your wordpress blog. You should end up with a big gross blob of xml.
  • Clone this repository
  • npm install
  • run node index.js THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_EXPORT_FILE.xml
  • copy the contents folder to your Wintersmith blog


  • This attributes every post to the first author it finds. I couldn't immediately see how the WP dump associated posts with authors and I got sick of looking through XML.


Convert a Wordpress dump to Wintersmith content


Language:CoffeeScript 95.0%Language:JavaScript 3.8%Language:HTML 1.2%