twpayne / findtypos

Find typos.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


findtypos finds typos of a single word. It is primarily useful for developers who want to find typos of their project's name in their codebase.


go install


findtypos [-format=github-actions] word [path...]

This will print the filename and line number of minor misspellings of word in each path specified.

Mispellings found include the replacement of a single character, the addition of a single character or the removal of a character, and the transposition of two adjacent characters.

If a path is a directory, it is recursed into. Directories called .git are ignored, as are non-text files (i.e. files for whose contents net/http.DetectContentType() returns a content type that does not begin with text/)

If no paths are specified, then findtypos reads from the standard input.


Given the input file example.txt:

This is an example input file for findtypos. It contains a few typos.

fyndtypos finds a number of minor mis-spellings of a single word, including, for
example, the subsitution of a single letter, or the insertion of a single
letter, like finddtypos.

Running findtypos prints:

$ findtypos findtypos example.txt
example.txt:3:1: fyndtypos
example.txt:5:14: finddtypos

In general, you would run findtypos in the root of your project as a CI step, for example:

findtypos myprojectsweirdname .




Find typos.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%