twotoasters / clusterkraf

A clustering library for the Google Maps Android API v2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make markers filterable based on title/credential?

jamesaspence opened this issue · comments

Is there any ability to filter the markers currently being shown? I need to filter the markers that are shown/clustered, with the ability to also remove that filter and show every marker. Is that possible in the library? I tried to add a delete method to the library in order to remove markers from the clusters (to go in hand with the add method), but the clustering didn't seem to update at all.

I joined @jamesaspence question. Is there a way to filter based on some criteria or do we have to re - init the cluster object with a fresh set of already filtered data?



@maximou4391 Unfortunately, the company that used to maintain this repo (Two Toasters) is no longer around, and this repo isn't actively supported. If you need to support clustering I'd recommend using Google's Android Maps Utils library, though it's not perfect.

Ok thanks anyway for the quick reply!
Have a good day.