twinsyssy1018 / Total-Text-Dataset

Total Text Dataset - ICDAR 2017. It consists of 1555 images with more than 3 different text orientations: Horizontal, Multi-Oriented, and Curved, one of a kind.

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Released on October 27, 2017


In order to facilitate a new text detection research, we introduce the Total-Text dataset (ICDAR2017 paper) (presentation slides), which is more comprehensive than the existing text datasets. The Total-Text consists of 1555 images with more than 3 different text orientations: Horizontal, Multi-Oriented, and Curved, one of a kind.


If you find this dataset useful for your research, please cite

  author    = {Chee Kheng Ch’ng and
               Chee Seng Chan},
  title     = {Total-Text: A Comprehensive Dataset for Scene Text Detection and Recognition},
  booktitle = {14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition {ICDAR}},
  pages     = {},
  year      = {2017},
  doi       = {},


Suggestions and opinions of this dataset (both positive and negative) are greatly welcome. Please contact the authors by sending email to chngcheekheng at gmail.comor cs.chan at


The Total-Text database is free to the academic community for research purpose usage only.

Copyright 2018, Multimedia Signal Processing Lab, University of Malaya.


Total Text Dataset - ICDAR 2017. It consists of 1555 images with more than 3 different text orientations: Horizontal, Multi-Oriented, and Curved, one of a kind.


Language:MATLAB 100.0%