twilio / twilio-ruby

A Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML

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Twilio::JWT::AccessToken not working for API KEYS outside US1

ppascualv opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

Twilio::JWT::AccessToken only works when api keys are generated on US1 region.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use a IE1 API KEY and cannot be used to do an outbound call.

Code Snippet

   def initialize(account_sid, application_sid, user)
      @account_sid = account_sid
      @application_sid = application_sid
      @user = user

  def generate_capability
      token = access_token(voice_grant)


    def voice_grant
      voice_grant =
      voice_grant.outgoing_application_sid = DEVELOPMENT_TWIML
      voice_grant.incoming_allow = true


    def access_token(voice_grant)
        identity: user.twilio_identity,
        ttl: 3600,
        region: 'ie1'


Client side error:
Received an error from the gateway: ConnectionError: ConnectionError (31005): Error sent from gateway in HANGUP

Technical details:

  • twilio-ruby version: 5.74
  • ruby version: 3.1.1

Hi @ppascualv,

Thank you for posting this, we are currently looking into this issue.

Hey @ppascualv, I am not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please provide more insights into what you are trying to achieve? (debugging information or full code)

This is what I have tested:

Note: you have to specify the edge as well while initialising the client.

require 'twilio-ruby'

account_sid = ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
auth_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']

api_key = ENV['API_KEY']
api_secret = ENV['API_SECRET']

api_key_ie1 = ENV['API_KEY_IE1']
api_secret_ie1 = ENV['API_SECRET_IE1']

outgoing_application_sid = 'APxxxxxxxxxxxx'
identity = 'userName'

grant =
grant.outgoing_application_sid = outgoing_application_sid
grant.incoming_allow = true

def access_token(grant)
  token =
    identity: 'userName',
    region: 'ie1'

token = access_token(grant)

@client =, auth_token)
@client.region = 'ie1'
@client.edge = 'dublin'

call = @client.calls.create(
                       twiml: '<Response><Say>Ahoy, World!</Say></Response>',
                       to: 'your_phone_number',
                       from: 'twilio_purchased_phone_number'

puts call.sid

The JWT is correctly generated but when you try to call using this JWT with a frontend app, the JWT is not working properly. Does the javascript client have a different configuration in order to use the Dublin edge?

For setting an edge location for javascript client, refer this.

Still not working, the token is generated but the call is not working

Can you please share the code you have written to make the call, and the associated error logs ?

I'm getting this error

Twilio outgoing call: connecting
log.js?44b0:73 signalingState is "have-local-offer"
log.js?44b0:73 dtlsTransportState is "new"
log.js?44b0:73 pc.iceGatheringState is "gathering"
log.js?44b0:73 ICE Candidate: {"candidate":"candidate:649925946 1 udp 2122260223 54049 typ host generation 0 ufrag Ts+H network-id 1 network-cost 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0}
log.js?44b0:73 ICE Candidate: {"candidate":"candidate:3625435566 1 tcp 1518280447 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag Ts+H network-id 1 network-cost 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0}
log.js?44b0:73 Received HANGUP from gateway
next-dev.js?3515:32 Received an error from the gateway: ConnectionError: ConnectionError (31005): Error sent from gateway in HANGUP
    at ConnectionError.TwilioError [as constructor] (twilioError.js?cc64:25:1)
    at new ConnectionError (generated.js?2802:159:1)
    at Call._this._onHangup (call.js?181d:299:1)
    at PStream.emit (events.js?b914:153:1)
    at PStream._handleTransportMessage (pstream.js?2afb:179:1)
    at WSTransport.emit (events.js?b914:153:1)
    at WSTransport._this._onSocketMessage (wstransport.js?34d2:173:1)
window.console.error @ next-dev.js?3515:32
Log.error @ log.js?44b0:54
Call._this._onHangup @ call.js?181d:300
emit @ events.js?b914:153
PStream._handleTransportMessage @ pstream.js?2afb:179
emit @ events.js?b914:153
WSTransport._this._onSocketMessage @ wstransport.js?34d2:173
Twilio.tsx?c826:297 Twilio outgoing call: error ConnectionError (31005): Error sent from gateway in HANGUP
eval @ Twilio.tsx?c826:297
emit @ events.js?b914:158
Call._this._onHangup @ call.js?181d:301
emit @ events.js?b914:153
PStream._handleTransportMessage @ pstream.js?2afb:179
emit @ events.js?b914:153
WSTransport._this._onSocketMessage @ wstransport.js?34d2:173
log.js?44b0:73 Disconnecting...
log.js?44b0:73 dtlsTransportState is "closed"
Twilio.tsx?c826:273 Twilio outgoing call: hang up

I'm doing the call from the frontend

const device = new Device(, {
      allowIncomingWhileBusy: false,
      logLevel: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENVIRONMENT === "development" ? 0 : 4,
      edge: "dublin"

const params = { UserId: userId, ContactId: contactId, ...extraParams }
    if (!device.current && setMessage) return setMessage({ message: t("twilioDeviceNotReady"), severity: "error" })
    const newConnection = await device.current.connect({

Are you still facing problem with the JWT token based on region?