tweenjs / tween.js

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I want to rotate in the positive direction, but can't I click a button to rotate in the opposite direction?

bbhxwl opened this issue · comments

I want to rotate in the positive direction, but can't I click a button to rotate in the opposite direction?

let initTween=()=>{
  const targetAngle = direction === 1 ? 360 : 0;
  if ((rotation.angle >= 360 && direction === 1) || (rotation.angle <= 0 && direction === -1)) {
    rotation.angle = rotation.angle % 360;
  tween = new TWEEN.Tween(rotation)
      .to({ angle: targetAngle }, props.rotateTime)
      .onUpdate((item) => {
        if (divRotate.value) {
 = `rotateY(${item.angle}deg)`;

Will the page jump?

let initTween=()=>{
  // 计算基于当前方向的目标角度
  const targetAngle = direction === 1 ? 360 : 0;
  // 如果当前角度接近360并且方向为1,或者当前角度接近0并且方向为-1,重置角度以避免跳跃
  if (direction === 1) {
    rotation.angle = 0
    rotation.angle = 360
  // 根据当前角度和目标角度重新初始化Tween
  tween = new TWEEN.Tween(rotation)
      .to({ angle: targetAngle }, props.rotateTime)
      .onUpdate((item,t) => {
        if (divRotate.value) {
 = `rotateY(${item.angle}deg)`;
      .repeat(Infinity) // 无限重复
      .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None) // 线性缓动
      .start(props.rotateTime -(time*props.rotateTime)); // 使用当前角度计算动画开始时间

I see you solved your first problem. Now I'm not sure what your second question is. It is better if you post a working example, and describe what it is not doing, and what you want it to do.

I see you solved your first problem. Now I'm not sure what your second question is. It is better if you post a working example, and describe what it is not doing, and what you want it to do.

My current problem is that I want to rotate in a loop from 0 to 360 degrees. When I click on it, I change the direction of rotation from 360 degrees to 0 degrees. If I change the jump, it will jump


You might be better off not using Tween for that specific goal.

let angle = 0
let lastTime =

requestAnimationFrame(function loop(time) {
  const delta = time - last time
  lastTime = time
  angle = angle + delta / props.rotateTime * 360 * direction

  divRotate.value?.style.transform = `rotateY(${angle}deg)`


I recommend that approach for this use case, much simpler!

Closing, but feel to ask any more questions. :)

You might be better off not using Tween for that specific goal.

let angle = 0
let lastTime =

requestAnimationFrame(function loop(time) {
  const delta = time - last time
  lastTime = time
  angle = angle + delta / props.rotateTime * 360 * direction

  divRotate.value?.style.transform = `rotateY(${angle}deg)`


I recommend that approach for this use case, much simpler!

Closing, but feel to ask any more questions. :)

Thank you, I think it's complicated. Sorry.