tweekmonster / tmux2html

:cat2: Render full tmux windows or individual panes as HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Question/Feature Request: control

faxm0dem opened this issue · comments

Is there any way I could control the playback?
The best would be to be able (like ttyplay) to pause/resume/change_playback_speed with the press of a key, but I understand this would involve writing a js handler.

What I need right now would be a way to defer the playback (I'm embedding tmux2html into a reveal.js presentation)


This is something I want to add formally. There is a very rudimentary JS interface for it right now, though: tmux.stop(), tmux.resume(), and

I added tmux.setSpeedMultiplier(). You can view the commit for details.

What I need right now would be a way to defer the playback (I'm embedding tmux2html into a reveal.js presentation)

I'm not sure if reveal.js allows you to include your own javascript, but you should be able to call out to the tmux functions within an iframe. If you want to ensure that the animation starts paused, you can do this after the HTML is written:

echo '<script>tmux.stop();</script>' >> /tmp/realtime.html

I'm leaving this issue open since I want to add keyboard shortcuts later in the near future.

just tried tmux.stop() and tmux.resume() they work like a charm thanks!

*checks today's date*