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Button line-height in Chrome

tobidelius opened this issue · comments


The default line-height for buttons doesn't seem right to me. Buttons height is 33px but should be 34px.

Line height is: 1.42857 but should be 1.428571429. We're missing some decimals.

@sandelius I came to this issue today and found that we can config the sass number precision. may be this should be noted in the README :)

  ::Sass::Script::Number.precision = 10

You are an angel! :)

Putting Sass::Script::Number.precision = 10 in my Rails application.rb fixed all line-heights for me.

thanks. It worked for me as well...

👍 fix working here.

What is the most effective way to deliver this though? I'd hate to think every user needs to add this to their app.

Very good solution! Thanks !!

This fix is required for input groups and all buttons to display properly. This variable is being rounded to the default 5 decimals and causing display issues:

@thomas-mcdonald How would you like to add this fix to the project?

Let me know if this works for you. This sets it to [10, value].max, enforcing a minimum.

This really needs to go into the docs of bootstrap sass, for those not using the gem.

@coli is it not fixed?

e: duh yes, of course. Back 4 months ago I think the only real way of using it was through the gem.

Bower support is still experimental, thanks for bringing this up -- Readme updated!

This setting for the Sass number precision, where exactly do we set it when using the bower installation of bootstrap-sass, and how? As far as the package is concerned, all we get besides some informational files are the assets themselves in bower_components/bootstrap-sass/vendor/assets, but no configuration file of any kind.

The rest is just my Gruntfile with the compass target, but grunt-contrib-compass clearly states that not all compass options are exposed to grunt (and number precision certainly doesn't seem to be one of them). Do we need to shell out to a config.rb file using grunt-contrib-compass's "config" option, or something like that (e.g. the "raw" option)? In either case, what would be the configuration instruction syntax?

One suggestion is to make all this information a little bit clearer in bootstrap-sass' README file. I'd be happy to write a patch if I had the information at hand. Thanks!

I've seen this in the wild for precision:
It would be great if someone who uses this could do this (I am not a node guy).

Hi @glebm!

Thanks for the pointer. That would be the equivalent of using the "config" option of grunt-contrib-compass and putting the same directive in a compass-config.rb file, or whatever, which seems a great deal cleaner to me.

I'll try it and update this issue to let you know if it works, for documentation's sake, but... one tinni tiny little problem: how to easily tell off-hand if it worked? ;)

In visual studio add "options": {"precision": 10} into your compilerconfig.json