twaddington / PopMarketing

Display a marketing overlay that 'pops' from the bottom of the web browser.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version 1.0 by Tristan Waddington

This is a quick and dirty script I hacked together to show marketing overlays on the Dark Horse website. It can be used to display a graphic overlay on a website after a short timeout. The dismissable overlay 'pops' from the bottom of the visitor's web browser.


Basic usage

Use the PopMarketing overlay by calling it on the body element like so:

        $(document).ready(function() {
                'width': 600,                      // Width of image asset
                'height': 500,                     // Height of image asset
                'delay': 1500,                     // Delay before showing overlay
                'image': '../images/trap.png',     // The image asset to use
                'target': '' // Where to send people who click the overlay

See the demo/index.html for an example.

Extra parameters

You can pass in extra parameters to control certain aspects of PopMarketing like this:

    var settings = {
        'width': '',
        'height': '',
        'image': '',
        'target': '',
        'hiddenOffset': 60, // Set to 0 (zero) to completely hide the overlay
        'offsetLeft': 40,   // The left offset of the visible overlay
        'offsetTop': 80,    // The closest the overlay will get to the top of the browser
        'delay': 1000,
        'easeIn': 'easeOutBounce',
        'easeOut': 'jswing',
        'easeInDuration': 1200,
        'easeOutDuration': 800,
        'easeInCallback': '',
        'easeOutCallback': '',
        'cookieName': 'popmarketingShow',
        'cookieExpires': '',
        'useCookie': true

Mobile browsers

I haven't tested the overlay on mobile devices and, honestly, I would not recommend using it on small screens. It's really designed for desktop users.

You can disable the overlay on mobile browsers by detecting mobile specific events:

        $(document).ready(function() {
            // Only show the overlay if the onorientationchange event is undefined
            if (typeof window.onorientationchange === 'undefined') { 
                    'width': 600,                      // Width of image asset
                    'height': 500,                     // Height of image asset
                    'delay': 1500,                     // Delay before showing overlay
                    'image': '../images/trap.png',     // The image asset to use
                    'target': '' // Where to send people who click the overlay


Display a marketing overlay that 'pops' from the bottom of the web browser.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%