tvasenin / pre2

Modern port of Prehistorik 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project status?

neuromancer opened this issue · comments

Is this implementation complete? I can compile this in ArchLinux, but it seems to fail when I run it:

$ mono Pre2.exe

Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Pre2.AssetConverter' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.IOException: No such input file!
  at Pre2.SqzUnpacker.Unpack (System.String filename, System.Boolean altLzw) [0x0000f] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.SqzUnpacker.Unpack (System.String filename) [0x00001] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.AssetConverter.UnpackSqz (System.String name, System.String extension) [0x00017] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.AssetConverter..cctor () [0x000f0] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Pre2.Pre2.Main () [0x00001] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Pre2.AssetConverter' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.IOException: No such input file!
  at Pre2.SqzUnpacker.Unpack (System.String filename, System.Boolean altLzw) [0x0000f] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.SqzUnpacker.Unpack (System.String filename) [0x00001] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.AssetConverter.UnpackSqz (System.String name, System.String extension) [0x00017] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
  at Pre2.AssetConverter..cctor () [0x000f0] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Pre2.Pre2.Main () [0x00001] in <fffc6d07010d46c58ef0ae6ab9ddbfcc>:0 

The implementation is in progress, in very early stage ATM, and is unusable for now.

So far, only first level's tiles with background are rendered (and all 3 original resource unpacking algorithms are implemented).

I'll try to update the code to not depend on any other resources than the unpacked original content files (so you can just unpack the original game content and run the project in it's current state without crashes), and will let you know in this thread.

Thanks a lot. Let me know if you need any additional testing in Linux!

This project should not have been abandoned. It is working, basically when I put the resource files in the correct folder, was able to traverse Level 1 in Tile Engine, as an added bonus inadvertedly I've stumbled upon CRT filer by pressing backspace key. Simply beautiful!