tuwien-csd / damap-frontend

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Licenses: Update license compatibilities

ValentinFutterer opened this issue · comments

New licenses are added in #171. The compatibility fields are not up to date. Check what compatibilitiy means in this context and document it. Then update them accordingly. There is no single source of truth for this, after checking what it means, you will probably have to google them.

Additional notes
The license selector was heavily inspired by this https://github.com/ufal/public-license-selector. Maybe you can find info there.

If you can understand what the comptabilities are used for, maybe you can rewrite the selector to work without them - keeping them up to date is going to be alot of manual work - every new license has to check every other license for possible compatibilities. Maybe categories can somehow take the place of compatibility.

Acceptance Criteria
Updated compatibilities or reworked license selector.