tuvovan / MIRNet-Keras

Keras Implementation of MIRNet - SoTA in Image Denoising, Super Resolution and Image Enhancement - CVPR 2020

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enhancement is too slow to run.Is there any way to make them fast.Thanks in advance

nivetha-123 opened this issue · comments

speed depends on lots of points. would you specify your machine you are using, the image size, etc..?

if i give the input image size as mine ,i got a dimension error so that i convert all the image size to 100*100 .is that possible to run without particular image size.And i'm using Ubuntu

lets show your error message!

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [1,1838,362,128] vs. [1,1839,362,128]
[[{{node add_12/add_1}}]].Well i'm running test_delight code.Please give some solution for this it was running more than two days because of many images

seems like your images have the odd shape?? try to make it as multiplication of 2!