tuvovan / HDRI-debevec-Python

A Python Re-implementation of the paper "Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs"

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[INFO] Dynamic Range

Bra1nsen opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing your work tuvovan! =)

I was wondering: How to get this kind of radiometric radiance map.

I work with Sky Images, trying to estimate solar irradiance. But the hdr.png / cmap.png dynamic range is still 8 bit [0 255]


I will definitely citate your paper for my upcoming work. Maybe youre also interested in a collaboration :)

Could you give me some instructions, to get a radiance map with higher dynamic range?

it is quite unclear what your problem is. would you provide your source code and input images so I can test?

thank you for your help. Image (d) in your referenced paper shows a church with a W/sr/m² legend.

I would like to get the same results for my fisheye sky images to measure Solar Intensity in W/m².

Here are the images:

How to get the same results as shown in picture (d)? Are you interested in a collaboration?

Kind Regards