tuupola / micropython-lis2hh12

MicroPython I2C driver for LIS2HH12 3-axis accelerometer

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ESP32 deepsleep wake up

kindmartin opened this issue · comments

Hi tuupola, not really an issue, but a help request. I would like to know if you can help me with micropython example to set right the registers and related stuff to configure this LIS2HH12 sensor in a way that can wakeup by ex0 an ESP 32 running standard micropython, now is 1.14 I think.

there is a configurable acceleration threshold to set to have LIS2HH12 hiting int1/int2? I need to detect vibration for a anti thief project. any email where to write directly you? didnt fin a mailto at https://appelsiini.net/
thanks in advance.